March 31, 2009

Treasure Check

"I'm BACK"..well, sort of..still have one day(today) to work this week.I have many unhappy things at work when I wasn't here for a few days//Working with Mr.'Do Nothing'//Training 'n motivating a trainee//Handling people from all over the world needs(One wants so many things for just one time..Hello!!I have two hands..think about it)...Vera Wang advised in the The Fashion Designer Survival Guide book I read that
"Get a job! When you get a job you are getting paid to learn"

It would be good if the job I have is fashion related..Huh~!!I kinda like it anyway ('-')!!

Ok...Back to business!!! I have accessories check today.Actually I'll do this every three month//four times a year. I wake up this early morning to do it as quick as I have extra time working on Intiz Journal:::So, these are some of them:::

Besides, there are many which lost//still in handbag pockets//need to be fix//

Well,I don't know what I will have more for the next three months...Anyway..

I gotta go..have many thing to do...:-)

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