March 23, 2009

Boys oh Boys!

I got a bad spot, 4th row seat..I take it anyway!! I know exactly, I'll see some of women's wear for 27 Nov.!!This is the open theme for the show:::

[photo.ThaiCatwalk//Combine by Me :]

I really don't know what happen to the front row seat people but those fashionable guys (I guess!?)behind my 4th row said out loud "I need binoculars!!!!"....

Ok! enough for the opening theme!! Back to the collection.Shall we?
Honestly, I wanna say that I like the details of the men's wears rather than women's.

SWEET GUYS:::Stripes//Colorful geometry prints//Numeric 2 & 7///Whatta sweet collection. Casual/Joy/Youthful :-)


"I like the loose pants"...For the accessories..I like it. I think you might have the same thought as me..[Hint::Something "L" from France].

So, now have to say bye for the 27 Nov. summer vacation and go to the next post......
Gotta rush! xoxo,Tikki

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